DIE versus DIE ttrpg - Wrap Up Play Testing & Core Rules Plans

DIE versus DIE ttrpg - Wrap Up Play Testing & Core Rules Plans

Hello to everyone who has checked out DIE versus DIE! This is the writer Sean, and I wanted to provide an update of what we’re doing next with the game.
Before diving into the update, I wanted to say thank you all for taking a shot in the dark by checking out a play test of a game. Your feedback has been crucial so far. 
So I wanted to give a broad overview of where we’re going next. First of all, we’re wrapping up play testing of the game. If you haven't already, the end of the PDF has a little survey to answer and email into us. If you submit the survey, we will later give you a discount code for print copies of the final Core release. I’d be very happy to hear your thoughts, and who doesn't like a coupon?
Which brings me to my next big update. We are in the initial planning stages of making the Core Rulebook for DIE versus DIE. I’m going to use the Dev Logs here on itch to bring everybody up to speed, because the Core book will have a ton of additional material and a lot of tweaks to the rules in the play test.
If you haven't seen it already, we released another game called I Got A Knife. This game uses the brains & muscles rules from the DvD play test, and adds in a new sleuth mechanic. To toot my own horn, this worked very well, so we’re going to add it to the Core book. We’re going to also add in other game mechanics to give everything more flavor and pizzazz.
The big idea for the Core book to be for more than fantasy games. We’re keeping the muscle and brains mechanics mostly as-is, but then the magickal, sleuth, and other mechanics are going to be plug & play for specific games like how we did I Got A Knife, adventure modules like only fantasy rules in the 4th Atera Redux zine, or even applied to specific characters like a D&D class.
I keep talking about the changes coming, but I’d like to note that the feedback and play with the foundational ideas is solid. Using a dice set as a health/energy meter is working and staying. Always rolling against another dice roll is staying. The winner of the roll-off being able to narrate the results is staying. 
So, over the next few months, my plan with is to go through the Play Test section by section to discuss any/all changes, then go through each addition to the game, and finally we’ll have the Core/1.0/1e/whatever we end up calling it. Then I dump it all on Mel to do art and layout. Poor Mel.
So thanks again, email in feedback surveys, and comment away here. I'm reading it all.
Love you! Bye!
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